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Mold cleaning and maintenance

2021-11-15 16:44:56

Mold cleaning and maintenance.

①When the die blade is worn, it must be repaired immediately. The temperature should not be too high when repairing. In order not to anneal the mold, you can add coolant while grinding. The more depth of grinding the better. In order to ensure the normal life of the mold, it must be as correct as possible.

②The repaired mold must be demagnetized to avoid crushing the material during use.

③When assembling the mold, the mold must be lubricated.

④ Regularly clean the mold, use kerosene when cleaning, remove the guide sleeve for the whole mold and clean it once a month.


Contact us

Contact: Miss Li

Tel: 0512-50329146

Landline: 0512-57270366

Q Q: 1485940282


Address: Room 6, No. 119, Lisheng Road, 

Huaqiao Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province

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