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How to judge the fault of automatic CNC lathe

2021-11-15 17:25:15

How to judge the fault of precision CNC lathe

A serious problem facing the fully automatic CNC lathe industry today is that the import of high-end CNC machine tools dominates. Judging from the relevant data on the import volume of CNC machine tools, since November 2012, the overall import volume of CNC machine tools in my country has shown a downward trend, but the import price has been rising, which can indicate that the import volume of high-end CNC machine tools continues to rise. Not to mention the machine tool itself, CNC machine tools are the main products for the realization of automation and intelligence of machine tools, and the level of its CNC system is an important indicator to determine the level of automatic CNC lathes. However, 90% of domestic CNC systems need to be imported.

How do we judge the failure of automatic CNC lathes:

1. Electrical failure on the machine body. For this kind of fault, you can first use the alarm number prompt of the machine tool self-diagnosis function, check the ladder diagram or check the signal status of the i/o interface, and follow the weekly paper, data, troubleshooting flowchart and adjustment method provided by the automatic CNC lathe maintenance copy list. , and check with the experience of the staff.

2. Amplification of the tent service and malfunction of the department. This kind of fault can use the alarm number of the computer's self-diagnosis function, the information status indicators on the computer and the servo amplifier driver board, and the fault alarm indicator. The relevant parameters of the computer and servo amplifier board, the setting of the short-circuit pin and the adjustment of the related potentiometer, and the replacement of the function compatible board or the spare board are used for diagnosis and troubleshooting.

3, the computer department failure. This kind of fault mainly uses the alarm number of the computer's self-diagnosis function, the information status indicators on each board of the computer, the waveform and voltage value of each pivot test point, the adjustment of each relevant potentiometer, the setting of each short-circuit pin, and the relevant machine parameter values. The setting, special diagnostic components, and refer to the computer control system maintenance manual, electrical diagrams, etc. to diagnose and eliminate.

4. The AC spindle control system is faulty. When the AC spindle control system fails, you should first check whether the operator has any accidental operation that does not conform to the operating regulations, whether the power supply voltage has transient abnormality, and conduct visual inspection to see if there is a short circuit trip, fuse disconnection, etc. It is intuitive and easy to check. failure.


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Contact: Miss Li

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